Massage for the Soul
Looking for a massage in The Hague? In Namasté Café you can of course go for heavenly massage & healing! Massage or healing is possible on almost any day during the day and in the evening. We work on appointment. Spontaneous walk-ins usually does not succeed, but you can always call if we have a place last minute. Please note that massage is part of Namasté Café and we usually have one masseuse available.
All massages are focused on the well-being of body and mind and are NOT erotic in nature. We are certified in (Indian or holistic) massages. Make an appointment? Click on the button below and book your spot or call: 070-3698766
* Come 5 minutes in advance to prevent spout, we have multiple appointments in a day.
* Cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance if you don’t unexpectedly, otherwise the appointment will be charged 100%. We are flexible enough to reschedule your appointment if you call us in time. However, shortly in advance we can no longer fill your time and we are forced to tax it.
* at night we sleep and do not read e-mail.
*We don’t work with anonymous people, we always need your details. These are stored in our booking system for a maximum of 365 days.
Ira works: Monday to Sunday
Ewa P (ayurvedisch specialist) works on: Tuesday evening
Abhyanga (Ira, Ewa)
An Ayurvedic treatment in the form of a delicious body massage. This massage with warm oil causes the release and removal of the toxins in your body. This treatment stimulates the nervous system and provides deep relaxation, reduces stress, slows down aging and improves sleep. Therapeutically, abhyanga is used for physical pains, fatigue and exhaustion. To complete the treatment, take a hot shower at home. The way of massaging is considered to your dosha (vata, pitta or kapha). This ayurvedic massage is not hard, but relaxing.
55 euros (60 minutes)
80 euros (90 minutes)
Ayurvedic Part Massage (Ira, Ewa)
ayurvedic part massage of back, neck, shoulders and head on the massage table.
This happens with hot oil.
29 euros (30 minutes)
Indian head massage (Ira, Ewa)
Hollands greatest head massage! As a specialist in Indian head massage you will receive this truly heavenly head massage on the chair massage chair (sitting). You just keep your clothes on. Your back, shoulders, neck, head are massaged for 30 minutes. Helps with sleep problems, headaches and an overloaded nervous system. The main massage puts you in a light trance, which makes the relaxation even deeper. Highly recommended!
30 mins: 27 euros
45 mins: 40 euros
60 mins: 50 euros
Indian head/neck/face-pressure point massage -lying- deep relaxation (Ira, Ewa)
A lovely lying head/neck/facial massage on the marma points (pressure points). A totally different head massage than the traditional head massage, but also super relaxing. This pressure point technique works deeply and because you lie you can relax completely. Ideal also for the pregnant ladies. Let yourself be transported to the music to another level of consciousness and sink into an inner journey.
30 mins: 27 euros
45 mins: 40 euros
60 mins: 50 euros
Shirodhara with head massage (Ira or
Ewa P.) A main treatment with beneficial warm oil-pouring on the forehead where the third eye is located for about 30 minutes. It is an Ayurvedic treatment that stimulates excretion of serotonin, a happiness hormone. This treatment is used in mental stress and exhaustion, high blood pressure, head and neck pain, anxiety and insomnia. It relaxes your nervous system and is carried out in silence by experienced practitioners. This treatment is preferably booked outside the closing time of the café area in the afternoon or early evening for your rest and relaxation. Afterwards you will receive an intense head massage of about 30 minutes.
IMPORTANT: bring two towels for your head and something to fasten your hair. The oil should withdraw after the treatment, it will not be rinsed out with us, keep this in mind.
60 euros (60 minutes)
Shirodhara with abhyanga (Ira or Ewa P.)
For the ultimate experience, you’ll first enjoy an ayurvedic body massage of about 50 minutes, then a shirodhara, a benevolent oil-pouring on the forehead for about 30 minutes with warm oil and then an intense 10-minute head massage.
IMPORTANT: bring two towels for your head and something to fasten your hair. The oil should withdraw after the treatment, it will not be rinsed out with us, keep this in mind.
85 euros (90 minutes)
Solid oil massage (60 minutes, Ira
Your body is massaged in depth and with fluid movements, allowing your blood and energy to flow back into your body. You feel relaxed afterwards.
55 euros (60 minutes), 77.50 euros (90 minutes)
Meditation massage experience (75 minutes) (Ira)
Let go of all your stress during this deeply relaxing meditation massage with healing. The entire back of your body is massaged for 45 minutes relaxing yet intensively as you sink into a deep meditation on brainwave music. In the music there are brainwaves that trigger an intense relaxation.
We deepen the relaxation a little more by applying healing after the massage. I feel what your energy field is like and apply balance where necessary. This happens partly hands-off, so off the body and partly hands-on, with my hands on your body. This treatment is really meant to completely get out of your head, release stress and relax deeply.
65 euros (75 minutes)
Foot massage (Ira or Ewa)
Sturdy foot massage for your loyal subjects. Works relaxing and invigorating!
30 mins: 27 euros
45 mins: 40 euros
60 mins: 50 euros
Indian Facelift massage
(Ira) First we clean the face, then follow a delicious firm massage of face, cleavage and head with ironing movements and pressure points. This promotes blood flow and creates collagen, making the skin look fresher. A mask finishes it.
60 mins: 55 euros
Chakrahealing (30 minutes) (Ira). Please note that this is not a massage, but a healing.
I’m scanning your energy field and your chakras. I cleanse your aura and your chakras and then fill your chakras where it is needed, together with your spiritual helpers. Transferring positive cosmic energy through my hands through your chakras gives a relaxing feeling. Brings balance to your energy field. A chakra healing is hugely relaxing. Like a massage for your aura! The explanation about your chakras, tips and exercises is within the time booked. If you are coming for the first time it is advisable to book 45 minutes. After that, a 30-minute session is enough.
25 euros (30 minutes) 37.50 euros (45 minutes), 50 euros (60 minutes)
Spiritual Services (Ira)
Dream explanation (free with cup of coffee/tea) Weird or remarkable dream? You can always present this to Ira with your cup of coffee or tea! She can clarify things for you and give you insight into your dream.
activities On a regular basis, a unique and varied programme of spiritual consultations such as clairvoyant observations, readings, tarot consultations etc will be offered by third parties.
Keep an eye on the events on the site and the activity board in Namasté Café!
Please note that gift cards can only be used for massage if we are booked directly (by phone or via our site), not through third parties.